Daily Mass

Feast of St. John of the Latin Gate

Introit • Ps. 63, 3

Thou hast protected me, O God, from the assembly of the malignant, alleluia: from the multitude of the workers of iniquity, alleluia, alleluia. Ps. 63, 2. Hear, O God, my prayers, when I make supplication to Thee: deliver my soul from the fear of the enemy. Glory be …

Collect (Prayer)

O God, Who, beholdest that our own ill deeds disquiet us on every side, grant, we beseech Thee, that the glorious intercession of blessed John, Thine apostle and evangelist, may be our protection. Through the same.

Epistle • Wis. 5, 1-5

Lesson from the Book of Wisdom.

The just stand with great constancy against those that have afflicted them, and taken away their labours. These seeing it, shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the suddenness of their unexpected salvation. Saying within themselves, repenting, and groaning for anguish of spirit: These are they, whom we had some time in derision, and for a parable of reproach. We fools esteemed their life madness, and their end without honour. Behold how they are numbered among the children of God, and their lot is among the saints.

Alleluia, alleluia. Ps. 91, 13. The just shall flourish like the palm-tree; he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus. Alleluia. Osee 14, 6. The just shall spring as the lily: and flourish for ever before the Lord. Alleluia.



Gospel • Matt. 20, 20-23

Continuation of the Holy Gospel According to St. Matthew. 


At that time, the mother of the sons of Zebedee with her sons, adoring and asking something of him. Who said to her: What wilt thou? She saith to him: Say that these my two sons may sit, the one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy kingdom. And Jesus answering, said: You know not what you ask. Can you drink the chalice that I shall drink? They say to him: We can. He saith to them: My chalice indeed you shall drink; but to sit on my right or left hand, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared by my Father.

Offertory • Ps. 88, 6

The heavens shall confess Thy wonders, O Lord, and Thy truth in the church of the saints, Alleluia, alleluia. alleluia.


Receiving our gifts and prayers, we beseech Thee, O Lord, do Thou cleanse us with Thy heavenly mysteries and mercifully hear us. Through our Lord.

Communion • Ps. 63, 11

The just shall rejoice in the Lord and shall hope in Him: and all the upright in heart shall be praised, alleluia, alleluia.


Refreshed with the bread of heaven, we beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be nourished unto everlasting life. Through our Lord.
